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DanHughJerry3 Friends - Dan Zwerg, Hugh Rolle, and Jerry Chapman. Together, we have done some great things!
Hugh2Hugh Rolle - Runs the Music Studio in Bimini and is otherwise an absolutely awesome guy! You are always welcome on our boat, Hugh!
EbbyBonefish Ebby - Took us to the healing hole in the mangroves, to the Martin Luther King bust, and to the sites of 3 crashed planes. You are an amazing man, Bonefish Ebby!
Gavotos1The Govatos/Willis family cruising around in the Bahamas aboard Tanda Malaika: Jude, Mycah, Belinda, Aiden, Danny, and Emma. We met this amazing family at Honeymoon Harbor at the north end of Gun Cay in the spring of 2016. Check out their blog at Adventures of a Tribe.
AshleySaundersAshley Saunders - the local historian of Bimini. He is so knowledgeable about the Bahamas and was great to talk to.
CalebCaleb - A friend to all our group. Can't wait to see you again!
3Fishermen3 Fishermen - We enjoyed talking to these men at C.J.'s Deli. They told us all about how they scuba dive to catch fish.
CJs1C.J.'s Deli - Thank you for the great food!
CJs2C.J.'s Deli - Thank you for the great food as well! We'll be sure to come see you again next time.
PJP.J. - The best little drummer in Bimini!