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At Big Game Club

Posted by on April 21, 2019

We had a nice night on the boat at Gun Cay last night. The group had fun running the dinghy, talked to some girls on the beach, fed stingrays, and then we motored north to Big Game Club. Big Game has a pool and shore power so we’re going to be cool! Since we’ve already been one night on the hook, we’ve decided to stay for two nights at Big Game. We’ll explore the island, have a picnic with the locals, and tomorrow afternoon, snorkel 3-Sisters reef. Wednesday we plan to voyage to Great Isaac Island.

3 Responses to At Big Game Club

  1. Nonnie DeBardeleben

    Tell Paxton ,Nonnie and Dots along with Aunt Leslie and his Dad stayed at the Big Game Club in 1993. Do they still have the big black bat flag flying?

  2. Missy DeBardeleben

    Sounds like a great time! Will you post pictures along the way or when you return?

  3. Captain Dan

    I’ve posted them all on the blog and in the gallery. Check them out!

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