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Monthly Archives: April 2024

Check out our Photo Gallery

Click here to see all the photos. If you’ve taken photos, please get them to Capt. Dan and he’ll update the gallery!

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Safely arrived home!

Well, this trip was a 10 out of 10! The RV worked great, the boat was fantastic, and most importantly, our crew was the absolute best. Everyone did their part without complaint. That made light work for everyone and maximum enjoyment for all. Ms. Jenny did a great job with the food and Capt. Dan … Continue reading »

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Smooth day on the road

We sailed back to the dock Friday afternoon, so we had time to pack most things up that night. This morning, we finished packing, cleaned the boat, and got on the road. The weather was good and we kept the RV moving all the way to Marianna, FL. We’re camped out for the night and … Continue reading »

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Arrived in Key Largo

We made it back to Key Largo safely. We’ve refueled the boat and are now refueling ourselves. 

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Wreck of the Sapona and Gulf Stream Crossing

We had a great day snorkeling at the Sapona. Many of our crew jumped off the ship too. Great fun! The fishing at Gun Cay was incredible. We feasted on grilled barbecue ribs, beans, corn, salad, and pineapple. Afterwards, we prepped the boat for the crossing back to Florida. We left Gun Cay at about … Continue reading »

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Honeymoon Harbor

Found a 38′ boat washed up and called the owner in Lexington, KY to hear the story. Caught loads of fish and explored the lighthouse. Moved from Honeymoon to the lee side of Gun Cay for a smoother and safer anchorage tonight. Had pork loin, rice, and vegetables for dinner.

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Fishing is good in the Bahamas

William and Sam speared 3 fish while snorkeling earlier. They also caught a lobster but let it go since they’re not in season. Luke just caught a King Mackeral. We’re heading to Honeymoon Harbor at the north end of Gun Cay.

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Preparations to get underway

Checking the engines before getting underway today. Everything is A-OK. Going to Three Sisters to snorkel.

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Picnic in Bimini

We all attended a church picnic with our Bahamian friends here in Bimini. Jerry and Diane Chapman from Ocean Springs were there as was Hugh Rolle, Hank Weech, Barbara, Bonefish Tommy, and others. Later, we went to another church festival. They had a DJ playing music and all kinds of fun games. Our guys also … Continue reading »

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