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Home Again!

Posted by on April 28, 2019

Our drive home from Marianna was beautiful. We stopped at Florida’s “highest waterfall” in Falling Waters, Florida. It was a nice diversion from the drive, but we didn’t spend very long there. Everyone was intent on getting home so we kept rolling. Turkey sandwiches and ramen noodles kept the group happy as we got closer and closer to home. We returned to SSC at about 3:45 in the afternoon, right on time. Our trip is complete. The lessons of life on the sea are now in our memories (and on our blog!).

2 Responses to Home Again!

  1. Missy DeBardeleben

    Paxton had such a great time! Thank you so much.

  2. David Beaugh

    Fantastic job Captain Dan. A memorable experience for sure!

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