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Summer 2020 Trip UPDATE

Posted by on June 28, 2020

Our trip dates are July 4 – 19. We will meet in Ocean Springs on July 4 at 9 am. If you need to arrive early or the night before, it is not a problem. We will just be getting ready for the trip and you can help. Our plans are now firm to sail the Florida Keys and out to the Dry Tortugas. If you need to complete any remaining paperwork, click here for all the details and forms.

The main component to the decision to sail the Keys instead of the Bahamas was that it is not possible at this time to get a U.S. passport. This affects some of our crew.


Depart from Ocean Springs – Saturday July 4, 2020
Arrive in Fort Lauderdale – Monday July 6
Sailing Tuesday July 7 – Friday July 17
Depart Fort Lauderdale – Friday July 17
Return to Ocean Springs – Sunday June 19

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